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Foliation normally forms when pressure is exerted in only one direction. chlorite characterizes the lowest regional metamorphic grade, biotite replaces chlorite at the next metamorphic grade, which could be considered medium-low grade, garnet appears at the next metamorphic grade, medium grade, staurolite marks the next metamorphic grade, which is medium-high grade, sillimanite is a characteristic mineral of high grade metamorphic rocks. If struck by a rock hammer, quartzite will commonly break right through the quartz grains, rather than around them as when quartz arenite is broken. The way temperature changes with depth inside the Earth is called the geothermal gradient, geotherm for short. Quartzite is very hard and is often crushed and used in building railroad tracks (see figure 4). If a rock is foliated, its name is determined by the type of foliation present and the dominant minerals—for example, a kyanite schist. Metamorphic rocks make up a large part of the Earth's crust and form 12% of the Earth's land surface. The fluid phase can also influence the rate at which mineral crystals deform or change shape. Because quartz is stable over a wide range of pressure and temperature, little or no new minerals form in quartzite during metamorphism. As sedimentation is favoured by water, so they are mostly formed under water. If the minerals are segregated into alternating light‐colored and dark‐colored layers, the rock is called a gneiss. All that is needed is enough heat and/or pressure to alter the existing rock’s physical or chemical makeup without melting the rock entirely. For example, in rocks made of metamorphosed shale, metamorphism may prograde through the following index minerals: Index minerals are used by geologists to map metamorphic grade in regions of metamorphic rock. As rocks are compressed more and more by other layers of rocks, the lower rocks may change due to the weight of the upper layers. Metamorphic rocks may also be non-foliated. As temperature and/or pressure increases "old minerals" may change (typically they increase in size) or new minerals may form. Any type of rock—igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic—can become a metamorphic rock. The original rock is subjected to heat and pressure, causing profound physical or chemical change. These rocks are changed when heat or pressure alters the existing rock’s physical or chemical make up. Phyllite. This is the rock name to remember when you find a hard, nondescript rock that looks like it … The heat from the nearby magma “bakes” the sedimentary rocks and recrystallizes the minerals in them into a new texture that no longer breaks easily along the original sedimentary bedding planes. Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic rocks. Gneiss. High-grade metamorphism takes place at temperatures above about 450 ºC. Quartz and marble are prime examples of unfoliated that can be produced by either regional or contact metamorphism. Class Notes - Metamorphism Introduction. The type of rock undergoes metamorphism is a major factor in determing what type of metamorphic rock it becomes. This results in a rock that can be easily broken along the parallel mineral sheets. Mountain building occurs at subduction zones and at continental collision zones where two plates each bearing continental crust, converge upon each other. Folding is achieved by the application of great pressure over long periods. The source of the pressure is the weight of all the rocks above. Metamorphic rocks are "changed rocks". Loess is an example of fine sand carried by wind and deposited as wind borne sedimentary rocks. Micas tend to break down. The lines are known as isograds. Igneous rock is formed through the … They ma… The fact that most metamorphic rocks retain most of their original atoms means that even if the rock was so thoroughly metamorphosed that it no longer looks at all like the protolith, the rock can be analyzed in terms of its bulk chemical composition to determine what type of rock the protolith was. This gives the geologist literally “inside information” on what occurs within the Earth during such processes as the formation of new mountain ranges, the collision of continents, the subduction of oceanic plates, and the circulation of sea water into hot oceanic crust. Schist and slate are sometimes used as building and landscape materials. Pressure is a measure of the stress, the physical force, being applied to the surface of a material. The original rock (called the “protolith”) is either an igneous or sedimentary rock. Metamorphic rocks are the product of “metamorphism”, which is the partial or complete recrystallization of rocks. The most important non-foliated rock is marble. If a rock is foliated, its name is determined by the type of foliation present and the dominant minerals—for example, a kyanite schist. Click the posters on the wall to get specific information about the metamorphic rocks. Marble is used for decorative items and in art. Because contact metamorphism is not caused by changes in pressure or by differential stress, contact metamorphic rocks do not become foliated. Amphibolite is a non-foliated metamorphic rock that forms through recrystallization under conditions of high viscosity and directed pressure. Metamorphic rocks are like probes that have gone down into the Earth and come back, bringing an record of the conditions they encountered on their journey in the depths of the Earth. A quartz‐rich rock such a sandstone, for example, is called a quartzite when it has been metamorphosed. Start studying Section 6.3 metamorphic rocks. Gneiss is a high-grade metamorphic rock. Metamorphic rocks are classified by texture and by mineral composition. Figure 1. Roof tiles are also sometimes made of slate. Identifying Rocks : Identifying Metamorphic Rocks. Metamorphic rocks provide a record of the processes that occurred inside Earth as the rock was subjected to changing physical and chemical conditions. Heat from the interior of the earth may sometimes help to change the rock. Metamorphic minerals that grow under differential stress will have a preferred orientation if the minerals have atomic structures that tend to make them form either flat or elongate crystals. migmatite—a combination of high-grade regional metamorphic rock – usually gneiss or schist – and granitic igneous rock. The metamorphic rocks are extensively used as building stones. Schist often contains more than just micas among its minerals, such as quartz, feldspars, and garnet. This fluid phase may play a major role in the chemical reactions that are an important part of how metamorphism occurs. schist—the size of mineral crystals tends to grow larger with increasing metamorphic grade. Such marble is often used as decorative stone in buildings. The zone of contact metamorphism surrounding an igneous intrusion is called the metamorphic aureole. The magma is sweated out, or injected, as layers between foliation planes in the rock. Hydrothermal metamorphism is the result of extensive interaction of rock with high-temperature fluids. The need for stability may cause the structure of minerals to rearrange and form new minerals. The folding and deformation of the rock while it is ductile may greatly distort the original shapes and orientations of the rock, producing folded layers and mineral veins that have highly deformed or even convoluted shapes. The presence of a fluid phase is a major factor during metamorphism because it helps determine which metamorphic reactions will occur and how fast they will occur. Amphibolite is also listed below in the section on unfoliated metamorphic rocks. Much of the basalt subjected to this type of metamorphism turns into a type of metamorphic rock known as greenschist. Differential stress has a major influence on the the appearance of a metamorphic rock. In a given rock type, which starts with a particular chemical composition, lower-grade index minerals are replaced by higher-grade index minerals in a sequence of chemical reactions that proceeds as the rock undergoes prograde metamorphism. Metamorphic Rocks and Minerals •Sometimes rock are subject to pressure and heat but do not melt. It is composed primarily of hornblende (amphibole) and plagioclase, usually with very little quartz. This large boulder has bedding still visible as dark and light bands sloping steeply down to the right. Foliated metamorphic rocks. Temperature depends on the heat flow, which varies from location to location. Metamorphism usually involves slow changes to rocks in the solid state, as atoms or ions diffuse out of unstable minerals that are breaking down in the given pressure and temperature conditions and migrate into new minerals that are stable in those conditions. Names of different styles of foliation come from the common rocks that exhibit such foliation: Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks lack a planar (oriented) fabric, either because the minerals did not grow under differential stress, or because the minerals that grew during metamorphism are not minerals that have elongate or flat shapes. quartzite—quartzite is a metamorphic rock made almost entirely of quartz, for which the protolith was quartz arenite. MEMORY METER. There are two ways to think about how the temperature of a rock can be increased as a result of geologic processes. Although pressure inside the Earth is determined by the depth, temperature depends on more than depth. Ions may move between minerals to create minerals of different chemical composition. If any of these flat minerals are growing under normal stress, they will grow with their sheets oriented perpendicular to the direction of maximum compression. By drawing lines around the areas where each type of index mineral occurs, the geologist delineates the zones of different metamorphic grades in the region. It usually requires a strong microscope see the small grains of zeolite minerals that form during burial metamorphism. Extrusive igneous rocks solidify from molten material that flows over the earths surface (lava). Previous Rocks are much denser than air and MPa is the unit most commonly uses to express pressures inside the Earth. Recall, however, that the number of components in any given system is the minimum number required to … Most commonly, if there is a fluid phase in a rock during metamorphism, it will be a hydrous fluid, consisting of water and things dissolved in the water. A schist is coarser grained than phyllite or slate and has aligned minerals that can be identified with the naked eye. High-pressure, low-temperature geotherms occurs in subduction zones. Some marble, which is considered better quality stone for carving into statues, lacks color bands. Metamorphic rock fall into two categories, foliated and unfoliated. Ocean water that penetrates hot, cracked oceanic crust and circulates as hydrothermal fluid in ocean floor basalts produces extensive hydrothermal metamorphism adjacent to mid-ocean spreading ridges and other ocean-floor volcanic zones. Most foliated metamorphic rocks originate from regional metamorphism. Start studying Petrology: metamorphic rocks (midterm 2) w/notes. [Note: For embedded comments, checks for understanding (CFUs), and key additional information on transitions and key parts of the lesson not necessarily included in the below narrative, please go to the comments in the following document: 1.10 - Metamorphic Rock Formation I … The fluid usually consists largely of water. Metamorphic rocks arise from the transformation of existing rock types, in a process called metamorphism, which means "change in form". The dark-colored minerals tend to form separate bands or stripes in the rock, giving it a gneissic foliation of dark and light streaks. Blueschist facies and hornfels facies are associated with unusual geothermal gradients. Usually the metamorphic rock looks quite different from the original rock, called the parent rock or protolith. Therefore, if rocks are simply buried deep enough enough sediment, they will experience temperatures high enough to cause metamorphism. This temperature is about 200ºC (approximately 400ºF). Thus, initially it would appear that we are dealing with a 9 or 10 component system. Removing #book# Heat and Pressure. They will form new minerals that are more stable in the new environment. At the highest grade of metamorphism, rocks begin to partially melt, at which point the boundary of metamorphic conditions is surpassed and the igneous part of the rock cycle is entered. slate—slates form at low metamorphic grade by the growth of fine-grained chlorite and clay minerals. Common extrusive rocks are basalt, andesite, and rhyolite. Gneiss is a foliated metamorphic rock that has a banded appearance and is made up of granular mineral grains. However, a more complete name of each particular type of foliated metamorphic rock includes the main minerals that the rock comprises, such as biotite-garnet schist rather than just schist. Parent rock: Shale.,, Metamorphism of slate, but under greater heat and pressure than slate, Often derived from metamorphism of claystone or shale; metamorphosed under more heat and pressure than phyllite, Metamorphism of various different rocks, under extreme conditions of heat and pressure, Contact metamorphism of various different rock types, biotite, muscovite, quartz, garnet, plagioclase, plagioclase, orthoclase, quartz, biotite, amphibole, pyroxene. Low grade metamorphic rocks tend to characterized by an abundance of hydrous minerals, minerals that contain water within their crystal structure. This is not far beyond the conditions in which sediments get lithified into sedimentary rocks, and it is common for a low-grade metamorphic rock to look somewhat like its protolith. Less commonly, it may be a carbon dioxide fluid or some other fluid. Low-grade metamorphism takes place at approximately 200–320 ºC and relatively low pressure. When rocks (especially shales and basalts) are affected by contact metamorphism, they often develop a texture called hornfels. If rocks are buried within the Earth, the deeper they go, the higher the temperatures they experience. A hornfels rock is characterized by evenly distributed, very fine‐grained mica crystals that give it a more massive, equigranular appearance. The changed rock is called the metamorphic rock and it will be stable under the new set of conditions till there is a further change in those conditions. The granitic rock in migmatite probably originated from partial melting of some of the metamorphic rock, though in some migmatites the granite may have intruded the rock from deeper in the crust. Much as the minerals and textures of sedimentary rocks can be used as windows to see into the environment in which the sediments were deposited on the Earth’s surface, the minerals and textures of metamorphic rocks provide windows through which we view the conditions of pressure, temperature, fluids, and stress that occurred inside the Earth during metamorphism. Rocks change during metamorphism because the minerals need to be stable under the new temperature and pressure conditions. Metamorphic rocks and processes • Metamorphism comes from the Greek words “Meta” - change “Morphe” - form • Metamorphic rocks form by solid-state (no melting) transformation of preexisting rock by processes that take place beneath Earth’s surface. Many types of gneiss look somewhat like granite, except that the gneiss has dark and light stripes whereas in granite randomly oriented and distributed minerals with no stripes or layers. METAMORPHIC ROCKS NOTES. Metamorphic rocks started out as some other type of rock, but have been substantially changed from their original igneous, sedimentary, or earlier metamorphic form. At the maximum pressures and temperatures the rocks may encounter within the Earth in this range of geotherms, they will enter either the granulite or eclogite facies. A metamorphic rock used to be some other type of rock, but it was changed inside the Earth to become a new type of rock. A rock undergoing metamorphism remains a solid rock during the process. In the large outcrop of metamorphic rocks in figure 1, the rocks’ platy appearance is a result of the process metamorphism. Covers metamorphic rocks, which form from previous rocks exposed to heat and/or pressure. Most metamorphic rocks are evolved from either sedimentary of igneous rocks. Hydrothermal Rocks. Figure 7.7 shows an example of this effect. Use this quiz to check your understanding and decide whether to (1) study the previous section further or (2) move on to the next section. When heat and pressure change the environment of a rock, the crystals may respond by rearranging their structure. Both rock types consist of metamorphic minerals that do not have flat or elongate shapes and thus cannot become layered even if they are produced under differential stress. As the pressure and temperature increase, rocks undergo metamorphism at higher metamorphic grade. The determination of metamorphic grade is madeusing mineral assemblages, mineral compositions, and/or grain sizes. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# Igneous Rock. Let’s see what these rocks are like and how they’re formed. Figure 4. If a rock is not foliated, its name is derived from its chemical composition. Some unfoliated metamorphic rocks, such as hornfels, originate only by contact metamorphism, but others can originate either by contact metamorphism or by regional metamorphism. Extreme pressure may also lead to foliation, the flat layers that form in rocks as the rocks are squeezed by pressure (figure 2). The need for stability may cause the structure of minerals to rearra… The rock has split from bedrock along this foliation plane, and you can see that other weaknesses are present in the same orientation. • … The three geotherms represent different geological settings in the Earth. The hydrothermal fluid may originate from a magma that intruded nearby and caused fluid to circulate in the nearby crust, from circulating hot groundwater, or from ocean water. The rock also has a strong slaty foliation, which is horizontal in this view, and has developed because the rock was being squeezed during metamorphism. The pressure and temperature conditions under which specific types of metamorphic rocks form has been determined by a combination labratory experiments, physics-based theoretical calculations, along with evidence in the textures of the rocks and their field relations as recorded on geologic maps. It is also common for the differential stresses under which phyllite forms to have produced a set of folds in the rock, making the foliation surfaces wavy or irregular, in contrast to the often perfectly flat surfaces of slaty cleavage. The word metamorphism comes from ancient Greek words for “change” (meta) and “form” (morph). CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. ... Notes; Show More : Image Attributions. Metamorphic rocks often show contorted patterns of folding that indicate they were soft enough to bend (plastic deformation). The difference in composition between the existing rock and the invading fluid drives the chemical reactions. Barrovian metamorphic zonesare defined by reactions that result in the appearance or disappearance of minerals and can be mapped as isograds chl —> bi —> gar —> st —> ky —> sill —> sill + or This development of metamorphic mineral assemblages corresponds to this P-T path: This type of chemical reaction takes a long time. Earth’s surface conditions are near the top left corner of the graph at about 15ºC which is the average temperature at Earth’s surface and 0.1 MPa (megapascals), which is about the average atmospheric pressure on the Earth’s surface. Each metamorphic facies is represented by a specific type of metamorphic rock that forms under a specific pressure and temperature conditions. During metamorphism the mineral content and texture of the protolith are changed due to changes in the physical and chemical environment of the rock. One ways rocks may change during metamorphism is by rearrangement of their mineral crystals. These rocks are characterized as either extrusive or intrusive. Metamorphic rocks start off as igneous, sedimentary, or other metamorphic rocks. Rocks that have their pressure and temperature conditions increased along such a geotherm will metamorphose in the hornfels facies and, if it gets hot enough, in the granulite facies. The diagram below shows folds forming during an early stage of regional metamorphism, along with development of foliation, in response to normal stress. Just as atmospheric pressure comes from the weight of all the air above a point on the Earth’s surface, pressure inside the Earth comes from the weight of all the rock above a given depth. Most foliated metamorphic rocks—slate, phyllite, schist, and gneiss—are formed during regional metamorphism. High-temperature, low-pressure geotherms occur in the vicinity of igneous intrusions in the shallow crust, underlying a volcanically active area. This occurs due to pressure, volume and temperature changes. Metamorphism can be caused by burial, tectonic stress, heating by magma, or alteration by fluids. If the minerals are segregated into alternating light‐colored and dark‐colored layers, the rock is called a gneiss. Like igneous rocks, most metamorphic rocks are composed of 9 or more major elements. Even though rocks remain solid during metamorphism, fluid is generally present in the microscopic spaces between the minerals. phyllite—phyllite is a low-medium grade regional metamorphic rock in which the clay minerals and chlorite have been at least partly replaced by mica mica minerals, muscovite and biotite. Figure 3. from your Reading List will also remove any In the diagram below, three different geotherms are marked with dashed lines. Amphibolites are poorly foliated to unfoliated and form at medium to medium-high grades of metamorphism from basalt or gabbro. Quartzite and marble are commonly used for building materials and artwork. Lithostatic pressure increases as depth within the Earth increases and is a uniform stress—the pressure applies equally in all directions on the rock. Discuss the effect of heat, pressure and deformation on rocks. A pressure of 1000 MPa corresponds to a depth of about 35 km inside the Earth. In short the identify of the protolith plays a big role the identity of the metamorphic rock. Mineralogical Changes. Migmatites form when temperatures are hot enough to partially melt the rock. Hornfels, which is a hard metamorphic rock formed from fine-grained clastic sedimentary rocks, is a common product of contact metamorphism. Shear stress pushes one side of the rock in a direction parallel to the side, while at the same time, the other side of the rock is being pushed in the opposite direction. Metamorphic rocks: Slate. Intr… The foliated rocks like slate, gneiss and schist are used as roofing material tabletops, staircases, etc. All that is needed is enough heat and/or pressure to alter the existing rock’s physical or chemical makeup without melting the rock entirely. The preferred orientation of these sheet silicates causes the rock to easily break along parallel planes, giving the rock a slaty cleavage. Metamorphic Rocks The word metamorphic means ‘ change of form ’. In oceanic basalts that are part of a subducting plate, the high-P, low-T conditions create a distinctive set of metamorphic minerals including a type of amphibole, called glaucophane, that has a blue color. Rocks change during metamorphism because the minerals need to be stable under the new temperature and pressure conditions. If it can be determined that a muscovite-biotite schist formed at around 350ºC temperature and 400 MPa pressure, it can be stated that the rock formed in the greenschist facies, even though the rock is not itself a greenschist. Tectonic processes are another way rocks can be moved deeper along the geotherm. It typically contains ab… The rocks closest to the contact with the intrusion are heated to the highest temperatures, so the metamorphic grade is highest there and diminishes with increasing distance away from the contact. Example: Shale is a parent rock that can become the metamorphic rocks slate, phyllite, schist, and gneiss. Crushed quartzite is sometimes placed under railroad tracks because it is very hard and durable. An example of the categories a shale would pass through as temperatures and pressures increase (from low grade to high grade) is as follows: shale/slate/phyllite/mica schist/gneiss/migmatite. •Instead the mineral composition, texture, or chemical composition of the rock changes •Metamorphic rock – rocks that changes form while remaining solid •Metamorphic mineral – … ADVERTISEMENTS: These rocks cover three-fourth of earth’s surface and make up five per cent of the volume of the earth’s crust. Remove the magnifying glass from the rock … Field evidence is often required to know for sure whether rocks are products of regional metamorphism, contact metamorphism, or some other type of metamorphism. Igneous rock is one of the three main rock types. Where intrusions of magma occur at shallow levels of the crust, the zone of contact metamorphism around the intrusion is relatively narrow, sometimes only a few m (a few feet) thick, ranging up to contact metamorphic zones over 1000 m (over 3000 feet) across around larger intrusions that released more heat into the adjacent crust. Instead, the quartz grains recrystallize into a denser, harder rock than the original sandstone. Medium-grade metamorphism takes place at approximately at 320–450 ºC and at moderate pressures. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Most regional metamorphic rocks are formed in conditions within this range of geothermal gradients, passing through the greenschist facies to the amphibolites facies. Typical Pressure Range For Common Metamorphic Rocks = 2-8 Kb GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT-- Controls Heat flow at Surface Two Major Aspects of Geothermal Gradient: • Conduction of heat from Mantle >> Limited effect in continents, Controlled by thickness of lithosphere (but note areas with thin lithosphere, e.g., Great Basin) The most common conditions in the Earth are found along geotherms between those two extremes. As the rocks become heated at depth in the Earth during regional metamorphism they become ductile, which means they are relatively soft even though they are still solid. Simply buried deep enough enough sediment, they will experience temperatures high to... These sheet silicates causes the rock is completely different from the original.! Is completely different from the nearby body of magma nearby, its name derived... Comes from ancient Greek words for “ change ” ( morph ) the left and right arrows page. Statues and decorative items such as biotite and muscovite, and you can it... 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